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Empowered to Choose


“What if empowerment is woven deep within the human DNA?”


Initially, thoughts of empowerment sound exciting—a battle cry for freedom, equality, and liberation from all things that restrict or hold me back! Who doesn’t love being in control, taking the reins, and making decisions? But how am I empowered? Do I have to wait for others to transfer authority to me?


My brain was racing - I sensed something was awry. Remembering that cultural definitions don’t always align with God’s perspective for our lives as disciples of Christ, I landed on a fundamental question: “How and why did God empower humanity (you and me)?”


Curious? Please come along! I’d love to share how God surprised me with a richer understanding of living empowered as a Jesus follower🤩.


Genesis 1:27 records that “God created mankind in His own image,” meaning we are similar to Him. As the Creator and Authority of the world, God is autonomous and rules as He wants. God placed similar empowerment deep within our DNA – free will - the independence to observe, analyze, and decide.


In Genesis 3, God advised Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from every tree except the one that produced harmful fruit. This warning proves that God expected them to choose. He had equipped the couple with an option—respect or disregard His warning.


God intended for us to live in peace. But sin corrupted humanity's free will after Adam and Eve flexed their empowered-to-choose muscle in the garden. Apart from God and left to our sinful selfishness, we will choose to sin.


“Why didn’t God create me like His precious marionette?”

Why would a loving God allow us to make harmful decisions steered by our selfish desires? Love should offer protection! Amidst my confusion, God led me to the next pivotal question, “What is God’s reason for weaving free will into our DNA?”


Let’s return to the events recorded in Genesis chapter three. Dissatisfied with God’s provision, the first human couple exercised their free will to disobey. In that bleak historical moment, humanity was separated from God.


Without God, our self-centeredness will always hijack us. But God! Our loving Father allows us to make destructive choices; then He offers us protection from defeat.


Sin creates a chasm that separates God’s creations from the Creator! Yet He empowers us to break away from sin’s grip. We can walk freely across the bridge Jesus Christ built to hand our Creator the Lordship of our lives.


We have a good King! God offers His children a spiritual rebirth. Positioned under His authority. Protected from punishment of sin. Rescued from isolation. Reunited with our Lord!


Even after a salvation decision, disciples of Christ still have the old nature tugging them to move away from God (Romans 6:12-14).


Can you relate? My “inner being’ is now impacted by “God’s law” while “another law” is “waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me” (Romans 7:22). Satan whispers, “You deserve what you want.”


But sister, Jesus cheers us along, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:27).

“My choices enable me to experience God’s grace and protection.”

God’s strategy equips and protects us in that war. Christ frees our will to obey God. When we desire the things of God, we choose to exercise the muscle of surrender.


He graciously provides the strength of an Advocate (John 14:26) to our free will. God vows, “I will give you a new heart…I will put my Spirit in you…” (Ezekiel 36:26-27).


"Repentance will refresh and revive me in the Lord."


Bolstered by unlimited access to God’s Spirit, we can ask for help in an instant. The Holy Spirit sounds my internal alarm when the old nature assaults my free will. I have a choice: either ignore the Spirit’s prompt or heed the warning as God’s protection by confessing my sin—admitting and agreeing with God that my attitude, thoughts, or behavior are wrong. 


Confession loosens sin’s grip. But to break free from the prison of my sin⛓️‍💥, I must repent.


Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19


In Acts 3:19, the Greek translation of repent is “to change one’s mind.” I am empowered to ask for God’s help - to change my mind from embracing sin to rejecting sin.


Repentance is refreshing, translated in Greek as “a recovery of breath, refresh, revive, revival.” My Protector draws me to returned peace.


"Empowered to struggle for control or empowered to thrive in surrender?"


My friend, are you standing across a vast canyon from your heavenly Father? Maybe you are walking with Him, but areas of your heart are closed to Him.


He knows exactly where you are and waits patiently to wrap every inch of you in His arms👐.


Take a moment to read the following statements aloud.

Allow your head and heart to absorb these truths:

“The Lord God Almighty empowers me to choose to obey Him. He graciously protects me, even when I disobey. His Spirit empowers me to repent – to select the path that carries me back to my Father’s arms.”


Review Acts 3:19 above. Consider these prompts as you journal and talk with your Heavenly Father:


o   Lord, I don’t want to hide or run from You. Interrupt the distractions that drown out Your voice. Where does my heart or mind need Your refreshment?


o   Show me, Father, what sin am I ignoring?

What sin is interrupting my intimacy with You?

What attitude, behavior, or reaction do I need to admit (confess), then repent to You?


o   Holy Spirit, you are as close as my breath. Prompt me to stop.

Help me choose refreshment through repentance.

With each breath, You empower me to call on You:

                  Inhale, “Holy Spirit

                  Exhale, “I’m listening.”


-Barbie Magruder, Guest Writer


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