I read this a few weeks ago, “The devil has ‘Adam’s lease’ [over the earth] unless and until some Spirit-filled believer takes it back.” -Kenneth Hagin
I used to not know how to do this. I really struggled with fear. It was debilitating. You name it, I was probably afraid of it, or suspicious of it to say the very least. That suspicion was just as debilitating. Even going to the store by myself was a big deal. The thing I did to cope with how afraid I was, was to drink. When I would drink, suddenly I was brave and fearless. I had none of my normal inhibitions, which enabled me to do crazy, stupid things for over a decade. I wanted to be that brave all the time, but sober-minded, so I wouldn’t be so reckless in my endeavors.
My biggest fear was what others would think of me. I lived by their praise and died under their criticism, just like the old adage states. It felt as though everything I did was under the eye and scrutiny of the watching world. In reality, no one was watching. I was people-pleasing for individuals who didn’t really care about the state of my life. It was exhausting, and eventually, humiliating.
It turns out, kingdoms built by our own hands must be sustained by our own hands, too. God doesn’t rescue kingdoms He sent Jesus to destroy. He does, however, rescue us. My life, curated like a Hallmark movie, turned into a tragedy. The little self-worth I had was buried under guilt and shame. What a perfect place for Jesus to become my Savior.
When I repented of those sins, and found my power in the Lord, those coping mechanisms (over time) were given the boot. I began to memorize scriptures like Isaiah 26:3:
"You will keep in perfect peace those who trust in you." (Isaiah 26:3)
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. It is not as the world gives it so don’t be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or
discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
These verses were lifelines. I drank them in like the new wine that they were. I meditated on them. And these verses, along with others like them, became torpedoes to the doubts, anxiety, and fear that swirled.
Even now, as the storm rages toward us, these are the verses that are abounding in my heart and mind. These are the words I can taste on my lips. Who will take back Adam’s lease? Who will stand against the threat of the enemy? Who will tell the wind, by the power of the name of Jesus and His blood shed for us, to move? I will not be complicit in building a kingdom of fear for myself, my family, or my community. I will pray and believe in the God of all hope. Yes, I will look like a fool to those around me as I say:
"I know my God will supply all my needs according to His riches and glory." (Philippians 4:19)
He will give his angels charge over me, for he cares for us!
I see us, collectively, praying and declaring these truths. Believers all around the world are praying for the storm to move, to dissipate. Will we take a defensive position or an offensive one? Will we take our authority and dominion that Christ died to give us? Or will we be too afraid?
These have been my prayers: Dissipate the storm and drown it in the depths of the sea like the Egyptian army.
I have asked the Lord to keep the trees around us where they stand. My husband and I have stationed the angels around the house and on the roof. I have heard the Lord declare us a “preservation site.” We are a preservation site, a holy people to the Lord. We are set apart for His glory, to be the witnesses of His love and provision.
And so, let us remind each other of who our God is, in a time of fear. Peace is not a passive engagement or something we feel. It is a fruit of our union with Christ. It is not crippling; it has a runner's lungs. So let us join Him and establish peace in our homes, our families, our neighborhood, and our community. May our God reign over all the earth.
Psalm 91:
You who sit down in the High God’s presence,
spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow,
Say this: “God, you’re my refuge.
I trust in you and I’m safe!”
That’s right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
shields you from deadly hazards.
His huge outstretched arms protect you—
under them you’re perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm.
Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
not disaster that erupts at high noon.
Even though others succumb all around,
drop like flies right and left,
no harm will even graze you.
You’ll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,
watch the wicked turn into corpses.
Yes, because God’s your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can’t get close to you,
harm can’t get through the door.
He ordered his angels
to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they’ll catch you;
their job is to keep you from falling.
You’ll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,
and kick young lions and serpents from the path.
14-16“If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God,
“I’ll get you out of any trouble.
I’ll give you the best of care
if you’ll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I’ll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!”
Our Worthy team is praying for you, mighty women of God. Join us in establishing the peace of the Lord in our community.
We love you and we love our city!
Erin Arruda, Worthy Content Writer