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Laying Down My Plans for a New Year

I don’t think that I have adequate words to describe how much I love New Year’s Day. It is hands down my favorite day of the year. In fact, I spend most of November and December dreaming about how I will kick off the new year. Amid the holiday hustle and bustle, I long for the quiet I experience when life has slowed down and I’m fasting from all the noise of social media so that I can hear from the Holy Spirit.

The end of 2024 was difficult for me. It was a necessary end to some things that I had been praying against for years, but also the beginning of something that FEELS so far out of my control and LOOKS like a mountain I have to climb. 🧗 It all culminated in November, so I’ve barely had time to process it with the Lord. Therefore, THIS new year is a bit different from years past. This new year, I’m especially looking forward to sitting with my Friend, my Comforter, the Lover of my soul, as I let His sweet whispers put me back together again, as I surrender all that needs to be surrendered.

I have done this “new year” thing for as long as I can remember, and in many different ways. For a few years, I did a 21-day Daniel Fast. I’ve also fasted from social media and noise. I’ve gotten new journals, taken on new spiritual disciplines, selected a word for the year, set goals for every area of my life, made plans for each month, each quarter. I’ve gotten organized, purged my house, made plans to meal plan. I’ve done it all, and I love it all!

As I look back, I see that I have lived my entire life with a plan. I recently pulled out this scrapbook from my senior year of High School where I had written out my life goals. I wrote out where I wanted to live, how much money I would make, stuff about my career, and superficial things about my husband and how many kids I would have. I laughed at the confidence of that 18-year-old who wrote those things. I remember feeling like she could do anything. And she did. She did all those things in her own strength. But as I leave 2024 behind me, bruised and a bit broken from a long, hard-fought battle, I have a new thought about how to begin this next year. Maybe God’s plans for 2025 are much better than anything I could dream up on my own.

What if I show up with no agenda other than to hear from the Holy Spirit about what He wants my next step to be, and where He wants me to rest? What does He want me to lay down in 2025? What does He want me to pick up? What habits or practices are holding me back from His glory? Which ones does He want me to hold tighter?

A good place to start is by looking at the fruit in my life, or where I’m lacking.

“But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.” Galatians 5:22-23 TPT

Lord, where in my thoughts, words, actions, and interactions is there no fruit – or even rotten fruit?

If I’m honest, there are some places where I need a reset. Some places I need to sit with my Jesus and ask Him to help me examine. There are places where I need a new perspective, where I need to turn my gaze back to His face. I see some things that I need to take to His feet, and then crawl into His lap and rest in His unimaginable love.

For the first time ever, I won’t be making my own plan and then asking God to give me what I need to make it all happen. I’m starting a new year by starting from His heart. There’s no plan except His plan.

How will you be kicking off your new year? What practices help you begin the year from His heart and His rest? We would love to hear about your experience in surrendering to His plans!


~ Nicole Hathorn, Worthy Content Writer

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