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Is it Next Year Already?

In a word, yes. 

No stress though. We’re not trying to skip ahead too fast, but we do have some exciting stuff to share with you about next year, before your calendar gets too crazy. 

Last week our Worthy Executive Team gathered for four days. Crazy, I know. Somehow there was a tiny break in the schedules of six different women–in the middle of September🤯! This in itself would be miraculous enough. But even more occurred. We sensed that God wanted us to get on our knees together, as we sought His will for Worthy 2025. 

And wow, did He deliver! It’s like we joined Him in a vision of heaven, the throne room, the most Holy Place. It was within us and a place we were entering all at once. Oh the mystery of heaven! It is so filled with extravagance and wonder. We sensed that’s where He wanted us to meet Him this year for Worthy 2025 as a Royal Priesthood. We caught a glimpse, and He has more to reveal to us.

We were also seeing more clearly the vision He had for the army of women of this region, the plans to unite us this year, and the power of the Gospel of Christ within us to change the community in which we live. 

I keep asking myself this question from

1 Corinthians 3:16 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 

My assessment? I don’t think we do. At least, I’m still discovering what the Spirit of God within me means. And I’m realizing that all of us together create the dwelling place of God. The unity of the saints is essential for his Spirit to reveal His plans, and perform His will. Unity commands a blessing. 

Psalm 133:1-3

How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!

For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe.

Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the LORD has pronounced His blessing, even life everlasting.

Can we consider something together, honestly?

When you think about the unity of the churches around you, does it scare you? Is there a certain person you would be nervous or upset if you ran into them? Would you be able to worship in Spirit and in Truth? 🤔

This is the season to lay down those offenses, the prejudice, and the trauma at the feet of Jesus. Would you let Him show you that situation from His eyes, both where you were unjustly treated, and, perhaps, where you were wrong too? Our reaction to offense can be just as much of a stronghold. This is why all the nations still rage. 

I dealt with this recently. A man, let’s call him Kyle, reached out to me. I’ve served with him in the past. He is a strong and dedicated servant. Even though we’ve gotten along well, Kyle and I have some very different beliefs, theologically speaking. He reached out to ask me some questions about something I had written. Immediately, I closed up. I felt threatened, and presumed he was going to try and poke holes in the posture I had taken and a truth I had revealed. I felt vulnerable. I was thinking through all of the theological arguments to pursue, fearing our peaceful connection was about to shift. 

My pride and fear took over my thoughts as I made small talk, asking about his family and church. He broke through all of that conversation and got right to the point. He stated, “Well, I’ll just get to it. I am about to speak about this topic and I need your advice on how to share it well.” 

UGH. The nature of my own heart revealed itself in that moment. It was ugly. I quietly asked the Lord for forgiveness for my own discrimination. 

See, years of being a woman in ministry leadership meant that I had begun to build walls between myself and men who I assumed didn’t want to hear from me. I was wrong in this case. And I’m so thankful the Lord revealed the yuckiness that was building within me. 

Later, I also confessed this sin to my husband and repented before the Lord. I asked him to watch my language about other men, so he could help me see what nature I was taking on in the day to day interactions. 

Romans 12:18 says,

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 

So let me ask you: 

As far as it concerns you, do you perceive any hindrance to the unity of the Saints?

Think about a particular people group, gender, or political affiliation. Think about the faces that make up the church at large, or a small community of believers.

  • Is there anything but love and honor as their faces come into your mind? 

  • Is your language, which reveals your heart, holy and pleasing to the Lord? 

  • When you think of running into a certain person around town, does fear or pride bow up? 

  • What does your Social Media page reveal about the nature of your heart? Is it peacemaking?

  • Is there any place you’re being invited to bring your offenses to Jesus and allow His Spirit to empower you toward repentance? 

-Erin Arruda, Found by Jesus, Founder of Worthy

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